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By:Shika Bitkuri

If the universe is like water and you flow with it you will be led to where you need to be. Don’t try to transform the environment around you , rather let the diversity within you  outshine the stereotypes held against you.  Don’t submerge yourself into something you are not. I put a thought into the universe asking for a direction, like a drop of water hitting the surface the waves rippled and drew me into my motherland, India.  

Growing up I used to be embarrassed about being Indian American, I dreamed of living the life of others. From my note worthy name, to my brown skin nothing seemed to fit in. I remember one trip that transformed my silly thought process, by the end I felt grateful for the experiences and regretful for neglecting my heritage. That summer visit to India changed my life; I had a better understanding of who I am and where I was going. I realized how grateful I was for the people, the sounds, the flavors, the friendship, the family—for experiencing this extraordinary gift we call life.

I learned to use my background in forms of strength and reassurance. If my grandparents can face war—I too can fight through my hardships. If my parents neglected prejudice— I too can develop arms toward stereotypes held against me.  I learned that where I’ve come from does not determine who I become. I have learned to use my background as a mechanism to help me drive through my life. I have learned to fight through my hardships, rather than surrender.

 I have learned that we are not a melting pot we are a salad bowl, that fails to merge, mix and mingle. No citizen should ever feel the need transform themselves, merely to fit in society. I see America as two faced, we hold up our constitution and say we are equal. Yet, to this day some Americans don’t believe in suffrage for all.  

We are not born with hate, hate is taught and instilled within us. If people can be taught to hate, they can be taught to love. If people can be taught to torment they can be taught to bring peace. Our country needs a shift in the mindsets of individuals.  We see improvements in economics and politics, but what about the nativist mindsets of individuals . From Ferguson to Tyre King, what truly has changed? Laws have changed but the racism in this country, has not. To this day we see people being labeled as terrorists and animals when in reality they are no different than you and I. A woman wearing a hijab should be treated no differently than a woman wearing trousers. A man wearing a kippah should be treated no differently than a man wearing a baseball cap. It is  hard to find pride in your ethnicity when media and narrow minded people only see one side of  who you are.

I remember when Nina Davuluri became Miss America.  Instead of receiving bouquets of flowers she received buckets of hate. I remember watching her and feeling a sense of pride, but then all the sudden her victory was met with words harder than rocks. These rocks were thrown to inflict pain and cause harm. These rocks were not only thrown at her, they were thrown at those who share her story and background. Those rocks although not directly intended for me, left me in dismay.  

When will the cycle end? We have had racism and we have had organizations developed to combat racism. What is missing in this continuous cycle? Why are mass movements not enough, why are organizations not enough? When will there be a solution to the pressing concern? Sadly there will never be a firm ending to racism until the majority shake hands with the minorities.

Knowledge is often viewed as power. With this power — I hope you seek pride in who you are regardless of your background and  I hope you seek for change, unity and strength in our community.

Assignments: About


Bland To Creative


My last self-designed assignment was not as interesting and cool as I desired it to be, especially since I never got a response from the interviewer. It lacked creativity and that is something that I definitely hope to have in this self-designed assignment. With an array of unanswered interview questions, it was bland. We learn from our mistakes, with this coming self-designed assignment I hope to bring something unique to my website.I will be using a canvas, pencil, and paint. My goal is to develop a painting showing two worlds side by side, one showing a commercialized GMO based market, while the other emphasizes naturality and presents organic foods. By placing these divergent systems side by side, I hope to show that these two very different systems can live in harmony amongst the hectic world around us. I think it is time we accept the truth and try to work with with the systems already put in place and run by society. With these two worlds, divided civilians from all over the world will hold hands across the canvas of the two worlds, showing that we will work together as a team to help one another fight hunger. Some countries rely on GMOs, while others are strictly organic; each country has a food system tailored to their needs. We cannot change a well-functioning system that has been put to work for years, but we can renovate it. We need to think beyond the concept of banning GMOs, how can we satisfy the health freaks who can afford Whole Foods daily and how do we satisfy the below income families all at once? Labeling. At the bottom of my poster, there will be a label across the canvas facing the civilians feet. Overall, I hope this self-designed assignment shows creativity and innovation while conveying the theme of unity and labeling, two topics I strongly believe our country should be striving for.

Assignments: Welcome


Self-Designed Assignment #2

This artwork was developed for my self-designed assignment in hope to address food sovereignty. Who really has power over our food? What power do big biotech companies have over farmers? As I have deeply researched into my topic I have learned that in the United States Genetically Modified foods have gained a level of food sovereignty that seems to be highly unjust.

Corporations such as Monsanto have developed both horizontally and vertically integrated platforms, these platforms have been merely used for profit. Biotech companies are the big fish in the American food economy, while farmers and other small food production companies are fighting to build their name in the competitive US market. This self-designed assignment  is not a portrait against Genetically Modified foods, it is simply a representation of who holds the real power in the American food market. It is okay for GMOs to have their place in the American food market. But,  it is not okay for biotech companies to gain full control of the American food market. It is safe to say that these few biotech companies that run America are no different than the old famous monopolies developed by John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan. Why is this pivotal and concerning? This is concerning because when companies gain immense control over a specified market they tend to charge overbearing prices, higher than the market value, hurting civilians and the economy as a whole.

In addition to overbearing prices, these biotech companies have a bark greater than their bite. In other words, they are promising stability in a climate-changed world and more nutrient dense foods for the world’s poor, yet they never seem to deliver. These companies are developing a canvas that depicts social justice and in reality they don’t care about the people they care about the profit.

These companies are focusing on corporate problems, rather than focusing on root causes of pressing problems. Lets take the Artic apple for example, this apple was engineered to not turn brown when apples are sliced. Does this solution help feed the world poor? No. Are biotech companies performing social justice? No. What are these companies doing with these pointless inventions: they are making bank. Money is there motif and mere concern. When a company has such great power, it’s unfortunate that this power is not distributed, so that there can be a balance. A balance that will allow the American food market to be more than just a profit-making machine.

Assignments: About Me
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